Social Security Scaremongering Have You Worried? Watch This

A Succinct Discussion of Social Security’s Financial Status and Ways to Improve It

Seems the demise of Social Security regularly garners headlines. The prognosis always seems gloomy. Seniors on Social Security worry and those within a decade or so of collecting their Social Security are left feeling resigned to not getting their full benefits, or any benefits at all.

What gets lost in all this scaremongering and political footballing are these facts: Social Security will continue to pay full benefits right up until 2035, and then with a few tweaks can continue to pay retirees throughout the century.

Listening to all the hyperbole directed at Social Security this may seem pretty amazing. Nothing amazing about it, as you’ll learn by watching one of our favorite online commentators review the status and options for ensuring future retirees collect theirs.

David Pakman and his show have around 1.6 million subscribers and can be found on a variety of platforms, including YouTube. Pakman is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst (BA, Economics and Communications) and Bentley University (MBA). Bentley, for those not familiar with it, is a top ranked university located in Waltham, MA, specializing in financial and economics education. Regarding the YouTube video, you will find David’s discussion of Social Security beginning around minute three. Sleep a little easier my friends.  w/c