Consequence of Ill Considered, Draconian Anti-Abortion Laws: Tennessee Case

Doctors Warned Her Pregnancy Could Kill Her. Then Tennessee Outlawed Abortion.

By Kavitha Surana, photography by Stacy Kranitz, special to ProPublica
March 14, 2023

When state legislatures decide that the political concerns of a minority should be the law of the state, problems can, and most often do, arise. And this is no truer than when laws put women’s health at risk.

Tennessee has one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the nation. It pretty much outlaws all abortions, even when the life of the mother is at stake. Women of means can leave Tennessee to seek care elsewhere. Poor women, of which there are many in that state, cannot. When a pregnancy health crisis arises, these women have no recourse but to put their lives and those of their families at risk.

So, what does that look like in real human terms? This ProPublica article shows you how it affects the pregnant woman, her family, and doctors who want to help but her can’t without violating an ill considered, badly written, draconian law. After reading this, you’ll be glad you do not live in Tennessee, or any other state with similar trigger laws in effect. w/c