Is Illiberalism the American Normal

The Deep, Tangled Roots of American Illiberalism

By Steven Hahn, New York Times Guest Column, May 4, 2024

In this guest column, American historian, currently at New York University, Steven Hahn posits that there is nothing particularly abnormal about today’s illiberalism as expressed by the MAGA. As he illustrates with examples from our history:

“This illiberalism celebrates hierarchies of gender, race and nationality; cultural homogeneity; Christian religious faith; the marking of internal as well as external enemies; patriarchal families; heterosexuality; the will of the community over the rule of law; and the use of political violence to achieve or maintain power. This illiberalism sank roots from the time of European settlement and spread out from villages and towns to the highest levels of government. In one form or another, it has shaped much of our history. Illiberalism has frequently been a stalking horse, if not in the winner’s circle. Hardly ever has it been roundly defeated.”

The column is worth your time if understanding our situation today interests you, as it should. w/c

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