How Dark Money Is Used to Influence the Supreme Court

Conservative Activist Poured Millions Into Groups Seeking to Influence Supreme Court on Elections and Discrimination

By Andy Kroll, ProPublica, and Andrew Perez and Aditi Ramaswami, The Lever, 12/14/2022

It’s no secret that dark money plays an influential role in American politics and jurisprudence. But by its very nature of secrecy, determining where money is coming from and how it is being used to fund influence and in the case of the courts legal opinions has been difficult. Fortunately, various organizations, among them the journalism organization ProPublica, regularly launch investigations into different aspects of federal, state, and local governments. These include the courts.

In this recent piece, reporters explore how Leonard Leo, former longtime VP and now co-chair of the Federalist Society, has organized a variety of conservative groups funded with dark money with the purpose of influencing the U. S. Supreme court on a variety of critical issues, not the least of which is Moore vs. Harper. Moore vs. Harper advances the idea that state legislatures should have sole control over elections free of judicial review, essentially allowing legislatures to gerrymander district to their likings. 

This investigation shows you how dark money can have a direct effect on your life. Take a look at this one instance revealed, and then stop and think that this stuff happens constantly, and each eventually affects you. w/c


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