For Some Anti-Abortionists, Restrictive Laws Are

“We Need to Defend This Law”: Inside an Anti-Abortion Meeting With Tennessee’s GOP Lawmakers

Kavitha Surana, ProPublica, in co-publication with WPLN (NPR) Nashville

Tennessee has the strictest anti-abortion law in the nation currently. Yet, for some anti-abortion advocates, it isn’t strict enough. According to their thinking, once the dust settles, once the abortion issue begins to fade into the background, once this happens then it may be time to expand to prohibitions on IVF, abortion pills, and employer assisted travel for abortions.

In other words, even when anti-abortionist have won their fight to control the lives of women, new ways to exercise control remain.

In this ProPublica and Nashville NPR article, Kavitha Surana and her team go inside an anti-abortion meeting with Tennessee state legislators and Tennessee Right to Life and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. It reveals the strategies these groups employ and the arguments they use to support strict anti-abortion laws, as well as where, how, and when to carry their fight to the next level. The article also explores the various medical complications presented for Tennessee doctors and women.

You’ll find the article worth your time, especially if you are pro-choice, or if you are like the majority of Americans who while not personally in favor of abortion understand that it is and should remain a personal decision made by women faced with an unwanted pregnancy. w/c

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